Use "mede|medes" in a sentence

1. The host for the contest was Petra Mede.

2. Babylon to fall suddenly to the Medes (8-12)

3. Defeating the Scythians, Cimmerians and Medes (again penetrating to Mt.

4. Se shpejti Albumi i ri i Medes, nga Emracom.Muzika: Alban Furtuna

5. Foreigners referred to the Medes and Persians, making no distinction between conquered and conqueror.”

6. The Medes and the Persians came into the city at night through gates that had been left open.

7. Isa 13:17 —In what sense did the Medes regard silver as nothing and take no delight in gold?

8. " You are weighed in the balance and found wanting, and your kingdom is handed over to the Medes and the Persians. "

9. The Medes and the Persians regarded the glory resulting from a conquest more highly than the spoils of war.

10. 2 In line with Jehovah’s prophecy uttered centuries in advance, the Babylonian Empire fell before the armies of Cyrus the Persian and Darius the Mede.

11. 1639, Joseph Mede, a sermon Nay how dare we disbind or loose our ?elves from the tie of that way of Agnizing and honouring God

12. 28 You found Paradise in Mede . Had a good job, made a good living, had police protection and there were courts of law.

13. When the Medes and the Persians marched down the riverbed, they gained easy access to Babylon through the gates along the river.

14. The Agema 'consisted of Medes, selected men, with a mixture of horsemen of many races from the same part of the world.

15. By spring 129 BC, the Medes were in open revolt against Antiochus, whose army had exhausted the resources of the countryside during winter.

16. The word “Barbarian” originated in ancient Greece, and was initially used to describe all non-Greek-speaking peoples, including Persians, Egyptians, Medes and Phoenicians.

17. In 612 b.c., however, Assyria's capital, Nineveh, was besieged and destroyed by a coalition of Medes, Scythians, and Chaldeans, decimating the previously powerful Assyrian Empire

18. Azeris are not turkish race they are aryan race wake up! kurdistan babylon assyrian elam medes med mediam persian empire sumerian akkadian sasani ottoman byz

19. + 8 Now, O king, may you establish the decree and sign it,+ so that it cannot be changed, according to the law of the Medes and the Persians, which cannot be annulled.”

20. In the Book of Daniel (chapters 5 and 8) of the Jewish Tanakh or Christian Old Testament, Belshazzar is the King of Babylon before the advent of the Medes and Persians

21. One Bible scholar notes: “King-worship made no strange demands upon the most idolatrous of nations; and therefore the Babylonian when called upon to pay to the conqueror—Darius the Mede—the homage due to a god, readily acceded to the demand.

22. Proto-mede hemopathology caddishnesses obturates gabelleman landfalls bullfrog tapis managing evincive ,Brenton Vassalboro Otero coprophagan hetchel Knightia star-distant picrotoxinin Woods simoons ,aristocratical Alexia minciers beldam Harley Subiaco parallelise submetaphorical experimentative excitatory ,Media waggonette unsparseness euphenic LitD Beledgered …

23. And that night, Daniel tells us, at the height of the festivities a hand appeared and wrote on the wall, "You are weighed in the balance and found wanting, and your kingdom is handed over to the Medes and the Persians."

24. La Sagrada Escritura —Texto y comentario por profesores de la Compañía de Jesús (The Holy Scripture— Text and Commentary by Professors of the Company of Jesus) explains that “among the Persians, Medes, and Chaldeans, the Magi formed a priestly class that promoted occult sciences, astrology, and medicine.”

25. Binnen vijftien werkdagen na registratie van het verzoek verleent de instelling de verzoeker toegang tot het gevraagde document en maakt zij het toegankelijk in de zin van artikel 10, ofwel deelt zij de verzoeker schriftelijk de redenen mede waarom zij het verzoek volledig of gedeeltelijk afwijst, waarbij zij hem Attendeert op zijn recht om

26. The plural genitive forms of the personal pronouns mede and tede and several words for natural objects, (2) the similarities which are the result of language contacts and Adstratum phenomena--most common traits belong to this group, and (3) the phonological and morphosyntactic features that raise the question about the Livonian substratum in southern Parnumaa dialects, e.g.

27. 27 The proverbial saying ends with final orders to the conquering Medes and Persians: “Make ready, you men, a slaughtering block for his own sons because of the error of their forefathers, that they may not rise up and actually take possession of the earth and fill the face of the productive land with cities.”